Neues Testevent
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Teaching in the Clouds: All-day workshop led my Sabrina Lucidi This event is being offered by our sister organization ELTAU in Ulm, in conjunction with a series of…
Regional Talkshop in Frankfurt TalkShops are a great way to network, to get ideas and to keep up-to-date with developments in the teaching world. Any ELTAF members interested…
Knowledge Share Session (KSS): Running your own Business Led by Liz Jolliffe (Chair of ELTAF) and other experienced members When I joined ELTAF in 2000, I was completely…
Our conference will offer 18 workshops featuring a wide variety of topics such as practical classroom techniques, Business English (all levels), intercultural communication, creative activities (also for…
Judith Mader & Rudi Camerer: Using the new CEFR Companion Volume in teaching English The “mismatch that continues to exist between teaching materials and real language” [Bargiela-C./Nickerson/Planken 2007]…
English Day with Cornelsen and ELTAF More information to follow.
2nd IATEFL Poland Business English Event in Cooperation with IATEFL BESIG International The event is aimed at business English professionals both in Poland and other European countries. Under…
Suzanne Vetter-M’Caw: Materials Writing Workshop This event is geared towards teachers who wish to write and edit their own materials. We will begin with a familiarisation with the…