Frequently asked questions
What are ELTAF’s aims?
ELTAF is a non-profit organisation founded in 1985 and run on a voluntary basis by professionals from various areas of English Language Teaching. Our aim is to support English teachers in their career development primarily by providing training and network opportunites.
What sorts of teachers/ trainers join ELTAF?
ELTAF is home to the widest possible range of teachers and trainers. Members are both native speakers and non native speakers, teachers focussing on young learners, working in the German education system, to running their own language schools and offering services to local businesses. Many members have joined at the beginning of their careers and have then grown to become very well established members of the local training sector.
What does the committee do?
The committee consists of seven members and meets regularly to discuss the general running of the organisation, future events, advertising, the website and how to optimise processes. It continually reflects on what ELTAF does and what it can do in the future to help its members in the best possible way. And committee meetings are fun! Find out what the individual committee members do by clicking on “Committee” under “About Us”.
What does the advisory board do?
The advisory board supports the committee in all its different functions. Advisory board members can act to assist indiviudal committee members or may be responsible for their own areas, for example maintaining the ELTAF library. They do not need to attend all committee meetings and require a lesser committment level. However, they are still invaluable to running the organisation. Becoming an advisory board member is a great way to get more involved in the running of ELTAF and see how the committee works before deciding to become a committee member.
How can I become more involved with the running of ELTAF?
You can volunteer to help at our Conference and/or Members’ Day, or come onto the Advisory Board and get involved in the general running of ELTAF.
How can I join ELTAF?
It’s as easy as completing the membership forms on the website and forwarding them to the Membership Secretary.
Simply go to “Membership” under “About Us”.
What are ELTAF’s aims?
ELTAF is a non-profit organisation founded in 1985 and run on a voluntary basis by professionals from various areas of English Language Teaching. Our aim is to support English teachers in their career development primarily by providing training and network opportunites.
What do I get for joining?
ELTAF organises a wide range of workshops every year. We also run an all day Conference and Member’s Day in alternative years which involves a full day of workshops on varying topics. All of these events also give you the opportunity to mix and network with other teachers/trainers. There is the possibility to ask questions or get involved in discussions on the email list, you will have access to our jobs hotline and receive a printed copy of our newsletter three times per year.
How can I end my membership of ELTAF?
An email should be sent to the Membership Secretary 3 months before the end of the current year.
Who must I inform if I change email address or postal address?
Any changes should be sent to the Membership Secretary.
Do I need to have a teaching qualification to join ELTAF?
It is not a requirement of membership to hold a formal teaching qualification; however ELTAF does seek to encourage its members to attend appropriate workshops, seminars and teaching courses. Thus ELTAF regularly organises workshops for its members to improve their skills and also to be able to exchange ideas (see our Events page).
What types of teaching courses are generally available?
There are many officially recognised teaching qualifications available throughout the world today. In our Member Zone, we have links to many training programs.
Where can I take a teaching qualification in Germany?
There are a number of recognised teaching institutions in Germany which offer four or five week CELTA courses. This link will help you find them:
Can I get any funding to do a training course?
The European Union funds many different forms of training through its Life Long Programme.
There are four areas of funding based on the type of work that the applicant performs and with whom they work, i.e. school children or adults:
Comenius for schools
Erasmus for higher education
Leonardo da Vinci for vocational education and training
Grundtvig for adult education
How can I advertise a teacher training workshop?
Workshops, seminars and courses can be advertised on the ELTAF Yahoo list or in our newsletter. Please click on our Advertising page for more information.
Are there other ELTAs in Germany?
There are ELTAs in all parts of Germany. Once a year, representatives from all ELTAs meet to exchange ideas and discuss how they can work together.